Twitter’s in a tailspin. Will it take flight, or embrace the fail whale of fate?


Twitter is losing.

They’re losing executives, money, advertisers, investor confidence, and respect from developers and creators. But someone still believes its best days ahead.

“The whole world is watching Twitter. While we may not be currently meeting everyone’s growth expectations, there is one thing that continues to grow and outpace our peers: Twitter’s influence and impact,” CEO Jack Dorsey said Thursday on a call with analysts following another brutal quarterly earnings report.

Dorsey might be Twitter’s last True Believer.

Being influential is great, but you know what’s really cool? Being profitable.  And now that Twitter effectively serves as the center of the political universe thanks to President Donald Trump, one might expect the company was well on its way to figuring out how to turn a profit.

Turns out, they’re not even close

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